Do you want to let additional file types to be uploaded to your forms? Allowing more than file formats to be uploaded to your site can provide more convenience for yous and your users.

In this tutorial, nosotros'll show you how to add together different file extensions, without compromising the security of your site.

  • File Types Immune By Default
  • Calculation Additional File Upload Types
    • Using Preset File Types
    • Adding Custom File Types
    • Allowing Multiple MIME Types
  • Tips for Securing WordPress File Uploads
  • Oft Asked Questions

Note: Are you lot looking for instructions on creating a file upload form? And so be sure to check out our guide to the File Upload field for all the details.

File Types Allowed By Default

For security reasons, WordPress only allows certain types of files. The default file formats include:

  • Images like .png, .gif, .jpg
  • Documents such as .doc, .xls, .ppt, .pdf
  • Audio similar .wav, .mp3, .mp4
  • Video like .mpg, .mov, .wmv

Please notation that some of the file types below do have the potential to be misused. That's why WordPress doesn't enable them by default.

  • Images such equally .svg, .bmp
  • Documentssimilar .psd, .ai, .pages
  • Code files such equally .css, .js, .json
  • Video similar .flv, .f4l, .qt

Adding Additional File Upload Types

To configure your site to accept additional file formats, you'll demand to install File Upload Types, a gratuitous WordPress plugin past WPForms.

Annotation: For details on how to add a plugin to your site, exist sure to check out WPBeginner's guide on installing plugins.

Using Preset File Types

Once you've installed the File Upload Types plugin, in your WordPress admin area go to Settings » File Upload Types.

File upload types page

On this page, you can add together preset file types by checking the box adjacent to the file type.

Enable extension checkbox

Once you've selected the file types you'd like to add, click the Relieve Settings push to save your changes.

Click save settings button preset file

Adding Custom File Types

If y'all'd like to include a file format that is non found in the preset list, y'all can add together your own.

To do this, gyre downward to the ADD CUSTOM FILE TYPES section. And so, yous'll demand to specify a file format. This is done through 3 fields:

  • File Description: The name of the file type. This will only be visible in your File Upload Types settings, so y'all tin add whatsoever details that make sense to y'all.
  • MIME Type: The category and data type represented by the new file type.
  • Extension: The extension type that will exist associated with this file (e.g., .jpg, .docx, etc.).

Annotation: MIME is a form of file identification on the web. For more than details on MIME, you can check out Mozilla's documentation for a consummate list of mutual MIME types. To determine what MIME blazon a file is, you can use an online file checker.

Add custom file types section

Equally an example, here are the fields with the information for a YAML file type:

YAML file extension

Y'all can also add multiple custom file types by clicking on the plus (+) icon. If you'd like to remove a file type, click the trash can icon.

Plus and trash icons

Once y'all've filled in all these details, click on the Salvage Settings button to apply the settings to your site.

Click save settings button

Allowing Multiple MIME Types

If you're adding a file type that has several aliases or possible MIME types, you tin can likewise add these into the MIME Types field. This is specially helpful to ensure the proper uploading of files that may take the same extension, but different MIME types.

Notation: If you're not sure if your file type has aliases, y'all tin can check out this reference guide for a fractional list.

In order to use this feature, you lot'll need to click the Enable multiple MIME type support selection inside the plugin.

Enable multiple MIME type support

Note: If you don't run across this banner in your plugin, this means this option is already enabled on your site.

Once you lot've enabled this feature, yous can and so add aliases to the MIME Type field, separating each type by a comma.

For example, we'll add together the awarding/photoshop, application/psd, and epitome/photoshop aliases for a Photoshop file:

Photoshop file example

Once those settings are added, make sure to click the Save Settings button to apply the settings to your site.

Click save settings photoshop file example

Tips for Securing WordPress File Uploads

It may be user-friendly to allow users to upload all sorts of file formats, however, this tin can pb to security issues. Y'all can continue your site more secure while allowing for specific upload types by following these tips:

  • Requiring users to exist registered and logged in to submit your course.
  • Limiting file upload types to only those that you really need.
  • Limiting the file upload size.

Often Asked Questions

I added my additional file type, only I'm still seeing the following error:

File blazon non allowed

In this case, you'll desire to be certain that the file you lot're trying to upload has a MIME type that matches the one you lot've added to your site. Yous tin chop-chop and easily check your file's MIME type to exist certain its type matches.

If your MIME type matches and withal won't upload, information technology's important to know that WPForms does blacklist certain file types. Some file types will be blocked from being uploaded, fifty-fifty if they've been added using the File Upload Types plugin. The complete list of file types are:

ade adp app asp
bas bat cer cgi
chm com cpl crt
csh csr dll drv
exe fxp flv hlp
hta htaccess htm html
htpasswd inf ins isp
jar js jse jsp
ksh lnk mdb mde
mdt mdw msc msi
msp mst ops pcd
php pif pl prg
ps1 ps2 py rb
scr sct sh shb
shs swf tmp torrent
url vb vbe vbs
vbscript wsc wsf wsh
dfxp onetmp

That's it! Yous can now allow users to upload additional file types using your file upload form.

Practise you lot want more tips for securing your site? And so be sure to bank check out our complete guide to WPForms security for all the details.